Wine Tasting with DJ Wines – A Suffolk Winery
DJ Wines is a small, intimate winery set in an idyllic rural location overlooking the historic village church at Monk Soham, just 15 minutes from Woodfarm Barns. Here you will find Derek Jones making delicious hand crafted wines and liqueurs from local fruits. Edged by an avenue of cherry trees the building is only about the size of a tennis court, but he produces 10,000 bottles per year!
Being a winery only, no rows of vine will be found here as all fruit is bought in, mostly from local growers. He will take you step by step through the process to making his delicious range of seven wines, seven liqueurs and my Monks Mead. He uses a combination of traditional and modern techniques, many of which a home brewer will recognise, but on a much larger scale. The small on site laboratory helps Derek control quality. During the visit he will also share some of the more humorous moments and the many trials and tribulations of setting up, what many people claim, is a dream business